Quick Start
1. Install and Uninstall: This section introduces you how to achieve install or uninstall with Rising Personal Firewall installation/uninstallation wizard. Refer toInstall and uninstallfor details.
2. Rising Tools: This section introduces you how to run Rising installation packet creator and Registration Wizard. Refer to Tools for details.
3. Update: This section provides solutions for software update. Refer to Update for details.
4. Common Functions: This section introduces you common functions of Rising Personal Firewall, includes Main Interface, Menu, Button and program Tray. Refer to Common Functions for details.
5. Net Defence: This section introduces you how to set Rising Personal Firewall network monitor functions. Refer to Net Defence for details.
6. Advanced Settings: This section introduces you how to customize Rising Personal Firewall auxiliary options and new functions. Refer to Advanced Settings for details.
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