Quick Scan Settings

Within Quick Scan window, computer users can customize settings of anti-virus engine level, virus processing mode, scan scale, and scan schedule; meanwhile, computer users can separately customize security options of anti-virus engine on dialog box of [Custom]. Otherwise, computer users can erase custom settings back to default setting just with button of [Default].

After changes complete, computer users can click button of [Apply] or [OK] to save changes; so, Rising Internet Security shall execute virus scanning with users’ customized settings.


Operational Process:

  • Virus Processing Mode: [Automatically] and [Manually]
  • Virus Scanning Complete: [Display Result], [Close Main Program], [Restart Computer], and [Shutdown Computer].

Create Logs: After enable Create Logs option, Rising Internet Security 2011 shall record Quick Scan history logs automatically.

Enable Noise Alarm: After enable Noise Alarm, Rising Internet Security 2011 shall prompt computer users with audio while there is virus detected.

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